21 oct. 2009

Art invasion

MauvaisGarçon has been spending quite a bit of arty time recently. The opening of Antidote 5 on Monday was actually a bad start as MauvaisGarçon was like "yeeek, why did we bother coming here, it's empty, there is just nothing" - big disappointment, a little embarassing as I had encouraged FE to join. 15 (return-)pool laps helped to recover.

Yesterday was so hectic that MauvaisGarçon could not post down here, but it's because he squeezed into his diary an hour at Cour Carrée for the Fiac pre-op... he is afraid it was quite ghastly non-sensical as well. But for a couple of more like sculpture things. In the evening he was in Orsay and there he had his Art kick: Ensor is a MUST. Unknown, mad and still so contemporary - MauvaisGarçon wished he'd seen a tenth of that at Cour Carrée Fiac. ArtNouveauRevival is more of a lunatic idea, and quite badly executed at that, forget. The beauty behinfd that evening? Well, ArtyModel had devoted an evening of his much in demand schedule to MauvaisGarçon: guess what? It was a fab evening... (even as the Vin de Loire was weirdly "madérisé"!)

And talking of art, here is a free creation by MauvaisGarçon's girly team, stickers on a window of his office to celebrate his recent birthday, on a e-Invasion theme.

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