18 nov. 2007

Soudain l'été dernier

Action Christine 16:30 ce dimanche, ai rencontré le génie ! (ici l'affiche)

Katharine Hepburn vieillissante, en bourgeoise manipulatrice, sûre du pouvoir de son fric, Elisabeth Taylor jeune (si si, cela se put) en traumatisée des partouzes et surtout d'une mise à mort scénographiée, se renvoyant comme un punching ball un Montgomery Clift froid, analytique et séducteur (le vrai mec intello d'Hollywood 1960 pas surtestostéroné pour autant) et jouant de la mémoire d'un jeune éphèbe (disparu, jamais visible sauf en silhouette, un Sébastien bien sûr) collectionnant les nus de garçons dans son "athénéum"-garçonnière et les vrais boys sur la plage (Pasolini n'a rien inventé - Hollywood se l'était déjà avoué)...

Mrs. Venable (Katharine H) - There now, the truth's coming out.
We had an agreement between us (Sébastien son fils et elle), a sort of contract or covenant between us which he broke last summer when he broke away from me and took her (Catherine par Liz T) with him, not me ! When he was frightened and I knew when and what of, because his hands would shake and his eyes looked in, not out.I'd reach across a table and touch his hands and say not a word, just look, and touch his hands with my hand until his hands stopped shaking and his eyes looked out, not in, and in the morning, the poem would be continued. Continued until it was finished !
Catherine (Liz T) - I couldn't !
Mrs. Venable - Naturally not ! He was mine ! I knew how to help him, I could ! You didn't, you couldn't !
Doctor (Montgomery C) - These interruptions
Mrs. Venable - I would say « You will » and he would, I - !
Catherine - Yes, you see, I failed him ! And so, last summer, we went to Cabeza de Lobo, we flew down there from where he gave up writing his poem last summer...
Mrs. Venable - Because he'd broken our-
Catherine - Yes ! Yes, something had broken, that string of pearls that old mothers hold their sons by like a - sort of a - sort of - umbilical cord, long - after...
Mrs. Venable - She means that I held him back from
Doctor - Please !
Mrs. Venable - Destruction !

Très belle technique au service d'un théâtre filmé, avant les quelques dernières minutes où un film, comme une animation, vient s'intercaler. Mankiewicz au sommet.

Lumières sublimes, acteurs percutants, suspense rondement mené, dialogue (on a tous en nous quelquechose de T) effarant et enfin orchestration de la bande son sur mesure.

Le tout au service d'une lucidité cruelle dans l'analyse de l'Humain.

1 commentaire:

fabdrive a dit…

tu débarques mon pauvre chéri, tu attends de passer la quarantaine pour découvrir les chefs d'oeuvre!? lol